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Visa imposes a monthly fixed acquirer network fee (FANF) on all businesses that accept Visa cards. The cost of this fee is calculated based on a number of different factors including sales volume, business location, and processing methods.
Number of locations: 1
Number of locations: 2
Number of locations: 3
Number of locations: 4
Number of locations: 5
Number of locations: 6 - 10
Number of locations: 11 - 20
Number of locations: 21 - 50
Number of locations: 51 - 100
Number of locations: 101 - 150
Number of locations: 151 - 200
Number of locations: 201 - 250
Number of locations: 251 - 500
Number of locations: 501 - 1,000
Number of locations: 1,001 - 1,500
Number of locations: 1,501 - 2,000
Number of locations: 2,001 - 4,000
Number of locations: 4,001 +
Less Than or Equal to $199.99
$200.00 - $1,249.99
$1,250.00 - $3,999.99
$4,000.00 - $7,999.99
$8,000.00 - $39,999.99
$40,000.00 - $199,999.99
$200,000.00 - $799,999.99
$800,000.00 - $1,999,999.99
$2,000,000.00 - $3,999,999.99
$4,000,000.00 - $7,999,999.99
$8,000,000.00 - $19,999,999.99
$20,000,000.00 - $39,999,999.99
$40,000,000.00 - $79,999,999.99
$80,000,000.00 - $399,999,999.99
Greater Than or Equal to $400,000,000.00
Velocity Processing is a registered Independent Sales Organization (ISO) / Member Service Provider (MSP) of Elavon, Inc. Georgia, a wholly owned subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp, Minneapolis, MN. Elavon has been processing electronic payments for 35 years and maintains an "A+" rating with the Better Business Bureau.
"Visa", "MasterCard", "American Express", "Discover", "OptBlue", "Apple Pay", "VeriFone", "ARB", "CIM", "PulsePoint", "Global Learning Lab", and "CardX" are trademarks and/or service marks of their respective owners.